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Barbarians are the tank class. The primary role of the Barbarian is to take the damage of the enemy, so others can deal damage without being attacked. Without a Barbarian at the front, the party often dies very quickly. But don't be fooled, Barbarians are a lot more than punching bags. Due to their high HP and brute force, they are more than able to handle themselves and are also among the best PvPers late game. Barbarians also have the added bonus of being able to turn into tigers, which increases their HP and movement speed.
  • Very high HP
  • Very high physical defense
  • Powerful AoE skills
  • Fastest movement speed of the game when in tiger-form
  • Always wanted in party


  • Very low magical defense
  • Expensive repairs
  • Poor accuracy

Damage Chart: Lower-Low-Medium-High-Higher

Attack Speed Chart: Slower-Slow-Medium-Fast-Faster

Dual Axes:

fast attack speed, medium-Higher damage


Medium attack speed, Low-High damage

Dual Hammers:

medium attack speed, Medium-High damage


Medium attack speed, Low-high damage

Barbarians generally use heavy armor and ornaments that augment magical protection and physical attacks, which preferably give HP, Vit, and/or Accuracy bonuses, and have all 5 elemental resistances. Their armor and ornaments should be kept up to date for their level, especially their armor. Their armor is usually sharded with citrine gems, for increased HP. The magical protection ornaments can be refined for additional magical protection, since magic attacks are usually a barbarian's greatest weakness.

Strength (+4 Str adds +1 DEF; +6 Str adds +4 DEF)

  • increases attack power for melee weapon
  • increases physical defense
  • Armor stat requirement: Usually 0.5 STR every level for magic robes, 1 STR for light armors, and 2.5 STR for heavy armors.

Dexterity (+1 Dex = Accuracy +8 and Evasion +8)

  • increases attack power for range weapon
  • increases evasion
  • increases accuracy
  • increases critical hit rate (Every 20 DEX gives 1% more critical hit rate)
  • Armor stat requirement: Usually 1 DEX every level for light armors, 0.5 DEX for heavy armors, and of course 0 for magic robes.

Vitality (+1 Vit = Max HP +17)

  • increases physical defense
  • increases magic defense
  • increases HP
  • increases HP regeneration rate (NOTE: HP regen is reduced by 75% when in combat mode)

Magic (+1 Mag = Max MP +7)

  • increases magic attack power
  • increases magic defense
  • increases MP
  • increases MP regeneration rate (NOTE: MP regen is reduced by 75% when in combat mode)

MP/HP Bonus Per Level

  • Max HP +34
  • Max MP +14

This is the traditional, and honestly the most effective barbarian build, both PvP and PvE wise. The high HP will give you more survivability in general, which is much more effective than a couple extra Str points, which is considered the "PvP" build, but since you have a 75% damage reduction in PvP, str is essentially useless.

Here is how you wanna roll:

Stat Allocation:

STRENGTH: You want 3 strength per level. This is a must. Every single level you add 3 strength, no more, no less.

DEXTERITY: MOST people go for a base of 49 for the most common endgame weapon. Calloused Lionheart Hatchets(you can find these in the southern archosaur forges). At level 100, depending on how you play, with all of your endgame gear, you can choose to go with either 60 dexterity (recommended for the little extra crit and acc/evasion) or 80 (depends on your play style, this is more viable with higher refined gears, since you can afford to lose a little bit of health points). There is no real need to add a certain amount of dex per level. with my own barb, I decided to get my end game required dex by level 60. Its up to you.

Vitality: Your most important Stat Point as a tank barbarian. Every extra stat point you have you dump here. Eventually, once your dexterity is at where you want, you will be adding 2 vitality and 3 strength every level.

Now, you ask, whats so good about a tank build?

1)High HP 2)Extremely high spike damage with Perdition (one of our 2 spark ultimate skills) 3)High survivability in PvP and PvE 4)Solo AoEing becomes very easy.

Cons: There is none really. You are a Barbarian, and will never hit as hard as any other class except with your Perdition, no matter how many points you pour into Strength, I consider this build the most effective.

Strength Build!

Even though I don't agree with barbs who go full strength, I will still post a guide for those of you who are intrigued about this build. ^.^

Stat Allocation:

DEXTERITY: No matter your level, This you want capped at 80 as strength build. The added accuracy,evasion, and critical hit rate are essential to strength built barbarians.

VITALITY: This is up to you. Some Strength barbarians go with 5 base vitality, some go with 50. i would recommend to go with 50 base vitality, as the extra Health Points really do help alot.

STRENGTH: whatever is not in vitality or dexterity, goes in here. This will maximize your damage output in both PvP and PvE


1) Higher damage with your skills 2) You miss a lot less (if you go with 80 dex, which is extremely recommended) 3) You kill quicker than Vitality built barbarians

Cons: 1) You have gimped the only thing you have going for you as a barbarian: your Health Points.

  • 2) You have gimped your most powerful skill Perdition which is possibly the highest hitting skill in Perfect World.

3) You have extremely low survivability. 4) You will not be on the top of the list for Twilight Temple or Rebirth Runs, nor will you be asked to help tank World Bosses.

As I have said, this build is not the best for barbarians, as a Previous Str/Dex barb for PK (player killing) I have to say I enjoy vitality a lot more, and my damage wasn't gimped as much as I thought it would be. If you want high damage output as a melee class with decent HP go roll a medium vitality blademaster.


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